First open-source contribution, Viral Repository, Landing Portfolio Page

Build a in-depth understanding of Git and GitHub, manage your workflow, work with team and create a stunning GitHub profile.

Chapter 1 - Concepts and How it works

Understanding Git

Commands and How to commit your first code?

How to use GitHub?

How to work with a team? Part 1

How to make your first open-source contribution?

Day 1 - Video Session:

Chapter 2 - The profile

How to create your stunning GitHub profile?

How to build your own viral repository?

Building a personal landing page for your Portfolio for FREE

How to grow followers on GitHub?

How to work with a team? Part 2 - issues, milestone and projects

Git Resources

Git - Version Control System

Resources and Cheatsheets

Personal Profile

GitHub Resources

Resources and Tools

Interview Questions

Portfolio of Projects

Repo Description