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Git - Version Control System

A powerful tool for managing versions of your code. Git is a distributed version control system that allows multiple people to work on the same codebase simultaneously, making it easier to collaborate and maintain your codebase.

We will cover the basics of Git and some of the most common commands you'll use when working with it.

What is Version Control System?

A version control system (VCS) is a tool used by developers to keep track of changes made to their code over time. It allows developers to save different versions of their code and revert back to previous versions if needed.

VCS also makes it easier for developers to work together on the same codebase by keeping track of who made what changes and when.

Types of Version Control System

There are two main types of VCS - centralized and distributed. Centralized VCS stores all versions of your code on a central server, while distributed VCS allows each developer to have their own copy of the entire codebase.

Git is a distributed VCS, which means that each developer has their own local copy of the codebase, and changes can be synced between different copies.

Git Commands

  1. git init: Initializes a new Git repository in the current directory.
  2. git clone: Copies a Git repository from a remote server to your local machine.
  3. git add: Adds files to the staging area, which is where changes are prepared to be committed to the repository.