<aside> 💡 Notion Tip: Use this template to codify the process around a feature launch.


Growing Followers

Growing your followers on GitHub can help increase your visibility, showcase your projects, and connect you with like-minded individuals. Here are some tips to help you grow your followers on GitHub:

Contribute to open source projects

One of the best ways to gain followers on GitHub is to contribute to open source projects. This can help you build a reputation and demonstrate your expertise to the community.

Create high-quality content

Create high-quality content such as blog posts, tutorials, or videos related to your area of expertise. Share them on your social media accounts and GitHub profile to attract followers.

Participate in discussions

Participate in discussions on GitHub by commenting on issues and pull requests. This can help you establish yourself as an expert in your field and gain followers.

Collaborate with others

Collaborate with other developers on projects that interest you. This can help you build relationships, learn new skills, and increase your visibility on GitHub.

Share your work

Share your work on GitHub by creating repositories for your projects. Make sure to include clear documentation and a README file to help others understand your work and attract followers.

Attend events and conferences

Attend events and conferences related to your area of expertise. This can help you meet new people, learn new skills, and connect with potential followers.

Follow others

Follow other developers and projects that interest you. This can help you build relationships and attract followers who share your interests.