<aside> 💡 Notion Tip: Use this template to codify the process around a feature launch.


Choose a popular topic

Choose a topic that is currently popular among developers. This will increase the chances of your repository being noticed and shared.

Create high-quality content

Make sure the content you create is of high quality and provides value to the community. This will encourage people to fork and share your repository.

Use a catchy title

The title of your repository is the first thing people will see, so make sure it's catchy and attention-grabbing.

Add a detailed README

Your README should include a detailed description of your project, how to use it, and any other relevant information. This will help people understand what your project is about and how it can be useful to them.

Use relevant tags

Add relevant tags to your repository, so it's easier for people to find it when searching for similar projects.

Share on social media

Share your repository on social media platforms and developer forums to increase its visibility and encourage more people to contribute.

Encourage collaboration

Encourage collaboration by allowing people to fork and contribute to your project. This will help your repository grow and become more popular among the developer community.