Chapter 1


  1. Inner Join: Learn how to use the INNER JOIN keyword to combine rows from two or more tables based on a matching condition.
  2. Outer Join: Learn how to use the OUTER JOIN keyword to return all rows from one table and matching rows from another table.
  3. Left Join: Learn how to use the LEFT JOIN keyword to return all rows from the left table and matching rows from the right table.
  4. Right Join: Learn how to use the RIGHT JOIN keyword to return all rows from the right table and matching rows from the left table.
  5. Cross Join: Learn how to use the CROSS JOIN keyword to return the Cartesian product of two tables.
  6. Self Join: Learn how to use a self join to join a table to itself.
  7. Natural Join: Learn how to use the NATURAL JOIN keyword to join two tables based on columns with the same name.
  8. Join Conditions: Learn how to use join conditions such as equals (=), less than (<), greater than (>), and not equal to (!=) to specify how two tables should be joined.
  9. Joining Multiple Tables: Learn how to join more than two tables together in a single SQL statement.
  10. Joins with Aggregate Functions: Learn how to use joins with aggregate functions such as SUM, COUNT, and AVG.

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