This is the starting point for your god level python journey


Python is no doubt an amazing language. It was created by Guido Van Rossum in 1991.

Python is often referred to as a High-Level Programming Language, which leads us to our first question.

High-level programming language

To understand it we need to define abstraction first.


Abstraction is showing only essential features without showing any background details.

Example 1: An ATM machine does not show you how it will bring money from its backside. That is Abstraction. Only showing what is essential to the user.

Example 2: When you log in to Twitter or any other platform, it will not show you details of how your username and password are authenticated, what variables the algorithm is using internally to check it from the database. That is Abstraction. Only showing what is essential to the user.


<aside> 💡 The language that uses multiple layers of abstraction is a High-Level Programming Language.


Python uses multiple layers of abstraction, as it is easy to read language. When you first write code in python you will see that all the keywords you use in your code are directly from the English dictionary and those keywords are working as same as their word meaning. Python will not show you how it is processing the code, most of the internal code will be hidden from the user.

That's High-Level Language.

Python support multiple programming paradigms

Programming Paradigm

You can say that it is the category of programming. Here are some